Energy origins and Guarantees of Origin
Our goal is that by 2030, 95% of the energy sources we use will be renewable.
In 2023, we sold electricity to consumers and small business customers. More than half of this electricity was produced using renewable energy sources, like hydroelectric power, wind power or wood-based fuels. The average carbon dioxide emissions from the production of the electricity we sold were 205.54 g/kWh and the amount of nuclear fuel used was 0.31 mg/kWh.
We purchased all of the electricity we sold from the NordPool electricity exchange.
For electricity that we sold which was produced using non-renewable energy sources, we have used the residual mix published by the Energy Authority to calculate the breakdown of origin for electricity production and emissions. For more information about the Guarantee of Origin, please visit the Energy Authority’s website.
Electricity sold to our business customers with Guarantee of Origin certification was produced entirely using the form of energy specified in the electricity contract.
Origin of electricity sold to consumers and small businesses in 2023
*50% of mixed waste is calculated as renewable and 50% as fossil.
Origin of total electricity sold in 2023
Energy sources of electricity sold by product in 2023:
- Aurinkosähkö ja Aurinkosähkö kesto solar power contracts: 100% solar power
- Lähisähkö puu wood-based power contracts: 100% wood-based energy sources
- Lähisähkö tuuli wind power contracts: 100% wind power
- Lähisähkö Tammerkoski contracts: 100% Tammerkoski hydroelectric power
- Vesisähkö hydroelectricity, TuntiSähkö and Markkinasähkö Market Exchange electricity contracts: 100% Nordic hydroelectric power
- Siistisähkö renewable energy and Ykkösketju contracts: 100% renewable energy sources (wind, solar, hydro, wood)
- Pörssisähkö Market Exchange electricity contracts: renewable energy sources and non-renewable, including nuclear power
- Järkisähkö contracts: renewable energy sources and nuclear power
- HyötyEnergia contracts: 100% mixed waste
Cleaner district heating
At Tampereen Energia, we produce district heating locally, mainly at our Naistenlahti and Lielahti power plants, and at the Tammervoima utility power plant using combined heat and power production. In addition, we produce heat at numerous heating plants in different parts of our operating area.
In 2023, more than half of the energy sources we used to produce district heating were renewable. We are increasingly utilizing wood-based materials in heat production, including wood residues from forest processing and pellets. We also obtain waste heat from other sources, including from data centres, from the flue gases of our power plants using flue gas scrubbers, and from the processes of industrial companies. At Tammervoima, we produce heat from mixed waste.
Coal is not and has never been used in the production of district heating in Tampere.
Find out more about taxes on fuels used in district heating production:
District heat production energy sources, all, 2023
District heat production energy sources, renewable and fossil 2023
*Guarantees of Origin have not been obtained for district heat produced using electric boilers, so it is not officially renewable. It is also not fossil.
District cooling directly from Lake Näsijärvi
All the district cooling we produce is renewable.
District cooling water is taken directly from Lake Näsijärvi (free cooling). During the summer, some renewable electricity is used to cool the water in the district cooling network.
District heat production energy sources, all, 2023
What is a Guarantee of Origin?
Guarantees of Origin verify the origin of renewable energy
We certify the origin of electricity, district heating and district cooling produced from renewable energy sources with official Guarantees of Origin. In Finland, the Guarantee of Origin system is maintained by Finextra Oy, which is owned by the grid company Fingrid, and supervised by the Energy Authority (Energiavirasto).
- A Guarantee of Origin is an electronic document which certifies that energy sold as renewable has been produced from renewable energy sources.
- Guarantees of Origin are issued for energy produced from sources eligible for a Guarantee of Origin.
- Supervisory bodies approved by the Energy Authority verify that the plant’s production methods, energy sources, production reporting practices and measurement arrangements comply with the requirements of Guarantee of Origin registration.
- Guarantees of Origin are issued by three registrars:
- the transmission system operator Finextra Oy (electricity)
- the Energy Authority (heating and cooling)
- the gas transmission system operator Gasgrid Finland Oy (gas and hydrogen)